НОВОСТИ. События в Армении
The Medical Community is preparing for the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors
There will take place the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors in 2015, from July 2 to 4, under the patronage of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Healthcare and Armenian Medical International Committee.
You can be fully informed about the Congress from the 4th International Medical Congress official web site, www.4imca.com, which will soon launch its homepage in 3 languages; Armenian, Russian, English. Before, we talked with the Organizing Committee of the Congress.
Our interlocutor is the Chair of the Financial Committee, Head of the Ministry of Healthcare organization and management scientific section Professor Ara Ter-Grigoryan.
– What kind of payment plan is designed for Congress in 2015?
The participation fees are directly proportional to our costs; however we tried to keep the same accepted system of the previous years. As a rule, we have defined a lower fee for the doctors from Armenia. And that financial shortage we are trying to complete with the help of the specialists from Diaspora. Perhaps, there may be an injustice in our approach but it is very important the presence of the local doctors which in many cases could be jeopardized due to the participation fee. We have developed a flexible system of payment for the participants of the Congress, which gives a privilege to the students and regional doctors. I persuade that the participation fee will not become an obstacle for those who want to take part in the Congress.
Our next interlocutor is the Head of Armenian Doctors organization in Russia, Professor Mkrtich Avagyan.
– Mr. Avagyan, perhaps exactly in Russia is concentrated the majority of our medical Diaspora. In what format does the Armenian Doctors Union in Russia participate in the international congresses of Armenian doctors?
– Armenian Doctors Union in Russia is officially taking part in the international congresses of Armenian doctors for the second time. Yet, the format wherewith we will participate this time is new. Besides our Union, there are 2 more medical organizations in Russia, Armenian Doctors Association and the alumni club of YSMU. Now there 2 organizations will unite in the Armenian Doctors Union in Russia, which celebrates its 10th anniversary, by the way. Our participation in this Congress will be more wide-scale, including participants from 3 organizations
– What are the projects of the Armenian Doctors Union in Russia?
– We plan to organize an official sum in October, where 3 medical unions will unite together. There are included more than 1000 Armenian doctors in our Union, who have an academic degree. They are professors, academics, honored doctors of Russia, heads of leading institutions, heads of medical universities.
– What is the mission of the Union in terms of the improvement of the national health care system?
– The doctors of our Union every year in October visit Armenia in order to read reports about the achievements of the world medicine. Furthermore, they organize practical trainings for students and doctors. During those professional trainings they show their experience for various clinical cases. In fact, this program is being hold not only in Yerevan, but also in regions and Artsakh. The representatives of Armenian Doctors Union in Russia will also be introduced with their reports and practical trainings in 2015 Congress. In addition in the result of this Congress we would like to focus more of our efforts, and besides our reports and professional trainings we wish to develop effective programs that will allow a greater potential to contribute to the development of the national health care system.
The nurses of RA always participate actively in the international congresses of Armenian doctors. We talked to the President of Nursing Association of Armenia, Geghanush Stepanyan.
– Mrs. Stepanyan, for many years the nursing system has been comprehended separately from the scientific framework. How it is currently? What is the importance of the nurses being integrated in that system?
– For me it is extremely important the improvement of nursing system and scientific integration in RA. Thus I think it is inevitable the participation of nurses in the 4IMCA. This is already the 4th congress, and the history of all the congresses has shown that nursing section is one of the most active sections. During the Congress, our nurses will also be introduced with their reports. One day before the Congress, we will organize symposium and will invite nurses from regions free of charge, approximately 200-300 nurses, and will discuss together all the reports being introduced in the Congress, so we will organize debates that has a scientific level. I persuade that their scientific level doesn’t yield those from abroad.
– What will the Congress give to the Nursing System?
– Our nurses will have the opportunity to be introduced to the experience provided by nurses working abroad, their criterion. Moreover, they will listen to the reports, which will certainly help them for correct arrangement of their work. There will be discussed such urgent issues, that wee meet in our daily life. Here, in Armenia, the nurses are allowed to make only presumed diagnosis, they mostly take care for the critically ill patients. They should be familiar to all the details of their work, be able to ensure the improvement of the mental health of critically ill patients and the prevention of nosocomial infections. It is also important to organize the first aid correctly, for which nurse takes the responsibility. We must pay attention on the improvement of the role of nurses and professional skills.
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